Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Vampire Test?

Bored? Think you might be a vampire? Take my test and find out. Wondering what makes me an expert on vampires? Well I just marathoned the entire Vampire Diaries series in two days... but wait, I should be embarrassed by that? Don't worry I am;) anyhow...
  1. Does tanning scare the hell out of you?
  2. Are you attractive and brooding?
  3. Are you in love with a human girl who runs around getting herself into way too much trouble?
  4. Do you need more than a Big Mac to quench your thirst for blood?
  5. Have you ever  found yourself giving someone a hicky that was just a little too intense?
  6. Would a stake through your heart be the thing to just ruin your day?
  7. Is your favorite movie Twilight?
  8. Has it been a while since you last saw your reflection?
  9. When someone asks you how old you are do you need to think for a while?
  10. Are you willing to throw away your life(death) for someone who will be dead in a few years anyway?
Although I am the leading expert in the 'Am I A Vampire field' I am curious if any of you know any other ways of detecting whether you're a vampire or not? Leave them in the comment section.

That's enough for now.

Hit the follow button before you leave.

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