Wednesday, March 23, 2011

iPhone 5, really? I only just got my iPhone 4!!!

Let me start by say that I love pretty much all of the apple products! The only problem I have with Apple is the speed in which they replace their products... It's hurting my head! So, I created a few pictures to better explain to you how I feel, of course considering that absolutely everybody on this green earth(well mostly green) owns an iPhone you probably understand how I feel! anyway...

Yay! iPhone 3gs!

What 4's out? iPhone 3gs suck!

Yay! iPhone 4

Will not be missed!
Now, I'm not saying that the Apple corporation or Apple products themselves are trying to murder me, but it certainly feels like they are! 

Btw,if you don't hear from me again its coz my iPhone got to me!

Don't you think Apple replaces its products too quickly? Leave a comment!


  1. 3GS sucks so much... :(

  2. I'm going to piss everyone off now by totally dissing iPhones. Of course they replace their products too quickly, they know everyone will rush out and replace their spanky new iphone with the snazzier new version and voila! Twice the money in Steve Jobs' pocket. My original two iPods still work perfectly but are obsolete now. Fuckers. I used to love Apple's (non computer) products but lately I'm over them because they're a giant waste of money.

    If I want to buy expensive technology that will be obsolete in a year, I'll buy again, otherwise there are better options.

    As phones go I much prefer the Android. Does more, costs less, is funkier, less clunky, is upgradable, is customizable, comes in many different forms, takes a memory card, is open source...the iPhone is full of Apple's restrictions and overpriced nonsense and reliance on Apple's accessories and maintenance. I don't know why anyone would want one nowadays when there's so much better out there. People want iPhones because they look funky and were the "original" in their minds. It doesn't mean they're the best.

    There, I vented. Holy crap I feel light. :)

  3. LOVE my iPhone 4! But I don't want to look at the iPhone 5. Because then I will become depressed.

  4. Dear Vegetable Assassin
    My Blog is nothing if not cathartic, I'm glad I could help... or did my post cause the stress? Oh well;)
