Wednesday, March 23, 2011

An Eye 4 An Eye, Or Why Did My Eyeballs Fall Out?

This is the point at which you need to log off!

Recently, my friend developed a problem with her eyes(they are all red and gross!) apparently this is caused by over using your computer, which really scares me cuz I'm online 24/7. So, naturally I did a google search to see If this is a real thing and what the causes are, that was my mistake! According to Dr. Internet there are loads and loads of problems that can be attributed to spending more than just a few hours online, such as  headaches, focusing difficulties, burning eyes, tired eyes, general eyestrain, aching eyes, dry eyes, double vision, blurred vision, light sensitivity, and neck and shoulder pain just to name a few. But, if you ask me as a highly trained self diagnostic I disagree, In fact I say spend as much time online as possible! I'd even go so far as to prescribe liberal applications of internet directly onto you eyeballs!! unless of course they fall out in which case I say disregard and stop for god sake!!!! What do you think? how much is too much? 

By reading this post you hereby relinquish your rights to take me to court or prosecute me in anyway for any false medical advice I may have given you

Disclaimer's disclaimer:
Well... probably not really... I don't know anything about the law so... whatever! Anyway, If you came here for medical advice you shouldn't even be aloud to operate a computer... or eyes!


  1. you are a well writer and possibly a well doctor?!!

  2. Thunk you! Mah brain makes mah words so goood!

  3. Seriously, I have a tiny bottle of computer eye drops by my side all the time (they're even CALLED that!) and my eyes get crazy tired sometimes if I've been on here too long. Horrible. Of course it's hard weaning yourself off being online when you work on a computer, play on a computer and get my drift!

  4. You got here just in time! my left eye has started getting red... but I guess I should be thankful It's just one eye! Hopefully they don't fallout;)
